The pressure to look like models, could sometimes mislead people to become too thin, leading to health issues later on. While you work towards being/remaining slim, you shouldn’t forget to stay healthy at the same time!

I’m not a professional in the field, but I do my best to keep fit and remain healthy at the same time. In this blog post, I’ll share with you 10 tips for healthy body weight…

1. Stop comparing

First of all, while you work towards having/maintaining a healthy body, keep in mind that you should always accept yourself the way you are. That’s the real you! Stop comparing yourself to others, practice self-care, and self-love.

2. Be healthy

While the emphasis seems to be more on slimming down (in general), having a healthy weight at the same time, is necessary.

3. Exercise

Physical exercise is a must for everyone, either daily or regularly. Having a fitness routine helps you, not only to build a good body but also brings other benefits such as discipline in life, an attitude for success, you’re likely to stay away from indulgence (including harmful drugs), aids mental well-being and more.

4. Lifestyle

Have a balanced and nutritious diet, enough sleeping, drink lots of water,… ensure that you live an overall healthy lifestyle for long-term results and benefits.

5. Body Mass Index (BMI)

The National Health Service of UK states that ‘The body mass index (BMI) is a measure that uses your height and weight to work out if your weight is healthy’, and also provides a free online calculator on their website.

6. Muscles

Muscles are important and I’m sure that my male readers will support this statement! However, everyone, irrespective of gender, needs enough of it (if not too much)!

Losing a consequent amount of weight in a short period of time could result in saggy skin and wrinkles, especially if skin elasticity is already an issue.

7. Weight management

Good weight management programs should ensure that while you exercise to lose weight, you also maintain enough body mass.

8. Clothing

Wear clothes that flatter your best features and hide your less flattering ones. For example, a lady who has a prominent belly should wear a long top over her skirt, while a man could prefer a suit of dark color. On the other hand, to make skinny legs appear more full and shapely, wear thick leggings.

9. Professional help

While my blog serves as a source of information, where I share what I’ve learnt and experienced, do seek professional help in case required.

10. Spoil yourself

Finally, don’t take things too seriously,… do spoil yourself sometimes, and always maintain a healthy lifestyle!

While we all tend to dream of looking like sleek models, duly admiring them, we should remember that exercising to lose weight goes hand in hand with a healthy diet and lifestyle! After reading my post, would you like to share your tips on the subject? Please do so. Thank you!

Featured photo: Photo by Kristina Paukshtite on

14 thoughts on “10 tips for healthy body weight

  1. I think the biggest source of our pressure is when we compare ourselves to others. We all have different body types and we all have different needs so it’s best not to compare ourself with other people. So Im really glad that this was first on your list:)

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