Habits are a crucial part of life. What you do daily, consistently, and with conviction contributes towards achieving your set goals! Choose the proper routines that are conducive to your happiness, peace, and success. 

Being a self-improvement blogger has multiple benefits.  I gain valuable personal growth.  I also share my ideas, tips, and hacks with my readers.  

Routines are great ways to adopt better methods in life.  Through my collection of self-help content, you can find many handy things.  I’ll list 24 great hacks that I love and believe will genuinely benefit my readers.


Golden habits list

1. Set life goals for yourself. What guides you is… your life purpose. Review goals regularly to ensure that they remain relevant.

2. Have a morning routine that you enjoy. Choose to do motivating things. It sets the tone for a productive day ahead!  Think of your role model and get inspired to take action.

3. Read books, watch videos and listen to podcasts that aid your self-improvement. Also, entertain yourself with some fiction… Romance, mystery, or horror stories?

4. Journal daily. It helps you to control your emotions better. You can even use it to track your set goals, express gratitude, and more.

5. Have hobbies that you truly enjoy. It’s a great way to spend your spare time. Learn new things, stay fit and relax.


6. Praying helps you to feel strong. You know that you can confide in God. Face the harsh world with courage and love!

7. Meditation is a great way to calm down and feel serene. Find a quiet place to sit down and practice.

8. Practicing yoga has many health benefits. It also induces relaxation and destresses you. Practice on your own or join a local club for more motivation!

9. Cardio is great to control body weight. It also stimulates your happiness hormones. Make it a daily habit or practice regularly by choosing an activity that you enjoy.

10. Healthy nutrition is a must! While you exercise, your body also needs nutritious food in the right amounts and at the correct times. Also, drink plenty of water daily.

11. Declutter your home, office… your life. It supports you in many ways. A clear space has various benefits.

12. Choose happiness… it’s within you! Notice the small joys of life and admire them. Practice activities that are conducive to it and have the right circle of friends.

Woman meditating. Text: ways, tipsfromsharvi.com.
Woman meditating

13. Spend a great time with family/friends. Network professionally for your career/profession/business.

14. No people-pleasing just because it’s expected of you. While you don’t want to be rude to others, you still have to set the limits. You can’t allow yourself to burn out and risk deteriorating health.

15. Behave Mindfully. Be cautious of what you say to others by reflecting on things. This can save important relationships, both in your personal and professional life.

16. Improve your productivity skills. Get work done more smartly. You’ll love the results!

17. Ongoing learning is key to improving yourself constantly. Learn things that will benefit your professional life. Spend time on formal and informal training, learning from experience as well.

18. I prefer not being a strict perfectionist… I’m not saying that you shouldn’t set high-quality goals for yourself! However, waiting for perfection often creates barriers to success.


19. Don’t procrastinate. Do what you have to on time. This is vital in progressing and achieving what you intend to.

20. Avoid time-wasters. Identify and eliminate them from your life. Spend your precious time on the right activities.

21. Avoid multitasking whenever you can. Doing so tends to be stressful and counter-productive. Use proper planning and organize your to-do list to diminish/eliminate the need to multi-task.

22. Perseverance is one of my top means of success. While many things contribute to victory, the will to continue despite failure is primordial! Learn from your mistakes and don’t give up.

23. Accept change as it’s an inevitable part of life. Rather see the blessings and hidden opportunities that could come with it. Taking calculated risks and embracing change is often great for your personal growth.

24. Always keep smiling… cheers!

Habits vs goals

Routines are often said to be crucial to success.  That’s because you choose to incorporate the best ways of doing things regularly.  It’s also linked to what the most successful people do and sets them apart.  However, all these should be in line with your set goals and life purpose for true achievements.

Have a system to support you in adopting what you want in life.  Be accountable so that you stay on track.  When motivation is low, discipline can better support you.  Have a reporting system for your progress.  Use journaling, use apps, or have an accountability partner.

Last but not least, think of more ideas, based on your personality, lifestyle, and experience. Adopt these wonderful usages for your betterment!  Don’t forget to practice regular self-care as well.  Relax and recharging every day is a must after a day of hard work.


Choose the right style that brings out the best in you, while assisting you in what you want to achieve in life. Would you like to share my article for more people to read? Please do so.  What are your top daily habits?

24 thoughts on “24 golden habits that will bless you!

  1. These are amazing habits! Some of them I have and others I certainly need to work on. I believe several of the people in my life would benefit from these habits as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for sharing these golden habits. All of them will really make us breeze through our day with confidence. I always start and end my day with prayer and it really helps. I also avoid multi-tasking as much as possible. It was only lately that I learned that focusing on one task at a time makes me more efficient and I do accomplish more when I do that.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great ideas! I try to journal as often as possible, but I would like to incorporate that into my daily routine! The rest of these I do daily, and I agree that everyone should create these habits! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

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