I love relishing healthy breakfast, daily! Do you also? If you’re someone who skips breakfast everyday, from time to time, or gobbles junk food for convenience, then you’re missing out on the benefits of proper breakfast, and need to take action!

The Oxford Dictionaries defines breakfast as ‘A meal eaten in the morning, the first of the day’. As you sleep for around 8 hours (or so) everyday, you wake up and ‘break your fast’ with your first meal of the day. Having healthy breakfast helps to remain in shape, so that you go through the day in an energetic and focused way.

6 reasons to go for healthy breakfast
Courtesy of Canva. 6 reasons to go for healthy breakfast, Tips from Sharvi.


Some benefits of taking proper breakfast, that are conducive to your wellness and well-being are:

  1. You are able to better concentrate on studies or work, having consumed nutritious food in the morning.
  2. People who eat breakfast are often slimmer than those who skip it, as the latter tend to eat more during the day.
  3. Incorporate preparing and eating healthy breakfast into your morning routine to make it your daily habit. Having a routine, is often linked to professional success.
  4. Plan your breakfast and fitness routines together, as they go hand in hand, giving you holistic benefits, and for the longer term.
  5. Are you bad at being a morning person? Planning great breakfast could help motivate yourself, so that waking up early becomes something that you look forward to, making it a daily habit.
  6. Some examples of healthy breakfast include (but are not limited to) oats, yogurt, fruits, eggs (low-calorie recipes), whole wheat toasts, a variety of smoothies, more… To make breakfast interesting, you may vary the way you take your oats, serve your toasts, and use different fruits for your smoothie. Ideas are unlimited!
6 reasons to go for healthy breakfast
Courtesy of Canva. 6 reasons to go for healthy breakfast, Tips from Sharvi.


“Nutrition doesn’t have to be complicated. It goes back to the lessons you learned as a kid. Start with a real breakfast; don’t ever skip that. If you’re waking up early for a run, make sure you drink at least a glass of water and put something healthy into your stomach before you go out the door.” – Summer Sanders, as on Brainy Quote.


“All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.” – John Gunther, as on Brainy Quote.

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” – Ken Blanchard, as on Brainy Quote.


How do you ensure that you’re able to take healthy breakfast on a daily basis? Would you like to share something? Please do so. Thank you!!

Note: In case of need, do consult your Medical Practitioner / Doctor / a Dietitian for medical advice.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on 15 September 2018, and last updated on 15 August 2020 for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Photo/Image courtesy: Canva


Definition of breakfast

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31 thoughts on “6 reasons to go for healthy breakfast

  1. Thank you for your informative article. I enjoy a healthy breakfast, but not until several hours after I wake up. I have found, for me, that I exercise better before I have something to eat. Take care.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I never would have thought that people who eat breakfast are slimmer, but it does make sense! As a chronic breakfast skipper, I do often find myself “making up for it” at lunch or dinner, so I think this convinced me to switch back to breakfast after all!

    Liked by 3 people

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