I’m so thankful for being nominated for my third Mystery Blogger Award.  I received the nomination last year, but I’m publishing my blog post now.  Please take a look at my nominator’s site The Pine-Scented Chronicles.

More about this award

‘The Mystery Blogger Award was created by Okoto @OkotoEnigmasBlog to recognize “amazing blogs that haven’t been discovered” yet. It is the original creator’s aim, through this award nomination, to “create a friendly community and build a link between bloggers in the blogosphere; as everyone gets nominated and they too can spread the fun by nominating more people for the award.”‘

The award rules are

As on my nominator’s blog:

‘Put the award logo/image on your blog.

List the rules.

Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.

Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.

You have to nominate 10 – 20 people.

Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.

Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify).

Share a link to your best post(s)’

3 things about me

  1. I studied in the field of Business Administration.
  2. I first worked in companies and then started a business.  I now work from home (for over seven years, at the time of writing), on my own terms, in a marketing role and also run this blog.  
  3. The freedom and flexibility that I enjoy, ever since I have my home office brings me immense pure joy.  This is part of my life purpose and I’m thankful that I found it, although it took me years to do so.

My reply to the questions

Q 1 – What is your most embarrassing blogging moment? 

A – It happened that, in a haste, I once uploaded the wrong photo to my blog.  When the post was published, I saw the blunder and quickly had to change it!

Q 2 – What are the first three things you are going to do once the pandemic is over and all restrictions are lifted?

A – Well, in my country, we’re out of the lockdown.  I’m now able to go for window shopping, relish my favourite delicacies at cafés, just like I love to. I was also able to have my hair trimmed, as it was overdue.  However, I still take all the social distancing precautions and wear a mask.

Q 3 – If you were allowed to meet a famous personality, dead or alive, who would it be and what would you talk about?

A – I’d love to meet Albert Einstein and would ask about science, life, and get more wisdom.

Q 4 – Would you rather have a teleportation machine or a time-travelling machine? Why?

A – I prefer a time-machine.  I’d revisit my childhood to experience special moments again and see myself playing.  I’d travel into the future to see myself on my deathbed, to know if I might have any regrets.  I’d then come back to the present and work on avoiding those regrets.

Q 5 – Which movie or literary character do you most strongly identify with?

A – I read ‘My Little Women’ when I was a teenager.  I relate to all the little ladies who grew strong through life experiences.

My 10 top blog posts (at the end of the year 2020)

  1. Self-improvement
  2. Work from home
  3. Life lessons lockdown
  4. Persevere
  5. How to remember
  6. Foods healthy tasty
  7. Vision boards
  8. Live your dreams
  9. Famous quotes life lessons
  10. FOMO

Sorry, no nominations!

I have to admit that I can’t find a list of 10-20 bloggers to nominate.  That’s because I know so many great bloggers and can’t shortlist them to only a few.  

When I started my blog, I found many supportive virtual friends.  It would be unfair to leave so many of them out.  Instead, I dedicate this blog post to all these hardworking and brilliant bloggers! If you truly identify yourself with this, then this nomination is yours!

My 5 questions

  1. What inspires you the most?
  2. For how long can you stand up on one foot (weird question)? 
  3. Your favourite pet?
  4. The meaning of life?
  5. Do you learn best through reading, watching, or listening?


I once more thank my nominator.  I then nominate my fellow bloggers who work hard (and smart), bringing inspiration to their blog readers.  Cheers!

Editor’s Note: This blog article has been updated for better accuracy and comprehensiveness. Broken links were removed for a better user experience.

Image credit: Mystery Blogger Award logo

17 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award (3)

  1. Thanks for taking the nomination! 🙂 I enjoyed going through your answers.
    My answers to your questions:
    1) What inspires you the most? – The happiness of my family and all the people I cherish.
    2) For how long can you stand up on one foot (weird question)? – I can do it for at least a minute, minimum.
    3) Your favourite pet? – We once had a dog named Molave. However, I’d like to think that I am a cat person 🙂
    4) The meaning of life? – It is multifaceted and vast. We may spend our whole lives trying to find its meaning but will never succeed in finding its real definitions. Might as well enjoy the ride.
    5) Do you learn best through reading, watching, or listening? – Of the three, I learn best when reading.

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