Learn new perspectives, as you benefit in many ways.  Be it in your personal or professional life, you gain.  Taking a new approach is often crucial for life success.

I share working smarter tips on my blog.  Being a self-improvement blogger, I encourage better practices.  What works today, will not do so in the future.  

I’ve been a solopreneur for over a decade (time of writing).  I’ve also been blogging for 6 years already.  Skill-building is valuable.  

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the best resources I use.

In this post, I’ll highlight how you gain in your personal and professional life.  I’ll then list examples in the blogging context.  Anyone can use the illustration of ideas, and even adapt to their circumstances.

Why a different perspective?

A new way of doing things is often a catalyst for change.  You get used to habits that work.  Eventually, they become obsolete.  

Strive to stay on top of things.  New approaches can give a boost when things get sluggish.  Methods and processes might not give the same results over time.

Learn from industry experts.  They’ve tested and experienced it before.  Adopt what is currently working best in your field.


The pitfalls of stagnation

The informal daily habits that you have, might decrease in efficiency.  Your official working processes too.  While staying in your comfort zone is convenient, a crisis can occur anytime.

Read my other article if you’d like to see the benefits of change.  It’s often repulsive, however, embracing it can be better in the long term.  You often gain from accepting developments.

Learn new perspective gains

A new perspective in life may be what’s needed.  It can take your progress to the next level.  When you feel stagnant, review your current situation and goals.

In personal life

Here are some gains in life, generally:

  1. Overcome challenging limiting beliefs
  2. Embrace gratitude for positivity
  3. Say no to resistance
  4. Embrace new experiences 
  5. Get outside your comfort zone
  6. Favor a growth mindset 
  7. Go for lifelong learning
  8. Be with sincere people who support you
  9. Have a self-care routine
  10. Adopt good goal-setting and action-taking practices

Your personality type might influence your approach to life.  The way you tackle a situation might be different from mine.  We all grow personally through experience, as well as what we are taught.

Lifelong learning is inevitable.  No one gains from not evolving.  Read my article to see what you shouldn’t miss out on lifelong learning advantages.

When you face burnout, it impacts productivity levels.  Having a self-care routine supports you.  I take regular breaks, ensure good ventilation, and drink enough water daily.

Goal-setting is crucial, as it guides you.  Your resolution supports you in embracing better habits.  Your goals give you direction while you work.


In professional life

The personal aspects of life inevitably influence the professional side.  Your beliefs, attitudes, and values overlap.  Your personal activities can impact your work life.

Learn new approaches and incorporate them when relevant.  Generally, in corporate jobs, your employer may introduce new industry best practices.  You might have to use new software and other tools.

If you’re a business owner, you invest.  Staying updated about new trends and working processes is a must.  Adopting a new perspective as and when needed, is to your advantage.

Cutting-edge technology brands are often the market leaders.  They stay ahead of the rest.  Creativity and innovation are crucial to stand out.

Take calculated risks, and be original, and curious.  Ask questions to find out more.  Find hidden gaps that others aren’t serving, and cater to them if profitable.

As a solopreneur, I’ve seen the value of ongoing skill-building.  I use tools to work smarter.  I’ve also curated a list of handy resources for bloggers and digital solopreneurs.  

Notebook 2 pens. Text: context, tipsfromsharvi.com.
Notebook 2 pens

Find the learning platforms, online courses,

and tools I use.

Blogger specific examples

Learn from different perspectives for your blogging success.  In blogging, things change all the time.  Be it new AI features, SEO best practices, or Google SERP changes, there’s a lot.

As with technology, a blogger needs to be on the guard.  Be open to change, adapt, innovate, and be creative.  I stay on top of things, for example, by being informed about the latest SEO best practices.

Find some key ways to benefit:

(Personal growth)

  1. Challenge personal biases 
  2. Favor critical thinking for problem-solving 
  3. Maintain relevance and stay informed
  4. Better communication and collaboration 
  5. Support empathy and understanding

Bloggers grow as they blog.  For example, I started my site, Tips from Sharvi, to share my self-improvement experience.  I receive feedback from my readers as well.


  1. A fresh angle on popular topics  
  2. Connect a wide range of audiences
  3. Dig into overlooked aspects
  4. Stimulate creativity and innovation
  5. Encourage enriching debates

Through comments, I find new popular topics.  I help my readers and see what they experience.  It helps me improve my articles and my experience.


(Content strategy)

  1. Network with other bloggers 
  2. Conduct Q&As
  3. Challenging discussions 
  4. Curate content from a variety of sources
  5. Try out different styles and formats

Trying out a variety of formats is helpful.  You cannot rely solely on writing.  Although I’m mostly into articles, I also do short videos.  I enjoy making reels on Instagram. 

(Support growth)

  1. Spot untapped niches
  2. Increase social media engagement
  3. Boost new followers and subscribers
  4. Better SEO and search ranking
  5. Reach different communities

Be eager to get new perspectives.  For example, with fresh original ideas, you stand out.  It could potentially be beneficial for your SEO.


  1. Welcoming and inclusive space
  2. Encourage respectful debate
  3. Gain from different viewpoints
  4. Respond to comments and feedback
  5. Appreciate diversity and individuality

Inclusiveness is crucial.  I enjoy it when my readers tell me they liked my post.  However, I also value any genuine criticism.  It indicates what I might have missed out.

Bloggers that monetize their platforms, also invest in tools and learning.  You may take it up professionally, or even as a side hustle.  You’re likely to invest time and work smart as well.

Everything changes over time.  Consider what new perspectives bring.  Choose the right option, based on your desired results.


Be open to learning new perspectives.  It’s often a catalyst for a better tomorrow.  In any area of life, always strive to improve.  Hone your approach for better success.

Have you seen my list of recommended

skill-building and productivity tools?

If not, visit my blogging and digital solopreneur resources.

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