Are you a new or aspiring blogger wondering about the harsh truths?  I’ve had the experience for 4 years (at the time of writing).  Having learned many life lessons, I’m giving some tips and ideas in this article.

I mostly share about self-improvement, which is my niche.  I also know that many of my readers are solopreneurs.  Being aware of the realities, including grim ones, is vital.  Staying motivated and seeing the bright side of it supports you as well.

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Here’s my list:

1. Takes time to grow

When you see all the glamour and success of the most successful in the industry, it’s amazing.  However, there’s much work that goes into it.  Things don’t happen overnight.

Be consistent and choose a niche that you can write about for years.  Be natural, as genuine passion shows.  Choose your niche carefully and after proper research.

I chose self-improvement, as I gain intrinsic benefits.  These tips also help my readers.  As I learn, experience, test, and see better results, I often suggest what works best.  

2. Takes time to monetize

Want to make some extra income?  Great, but it often takes time.  People start as a hobby, then move to a side-hustle, part-time income.  Others even can make a full-time income.  However, it’s said that the majority of new blogs never make it past their first anniversary.

It takes time to grow an audience and see results.  You can start affiliate marketing and even ads more quickly.  Selling your products needs good research and even investing in additional tools.  Sponsored posts from brands, freelance, and coaching services are some other ways to generate revenue.

I got my first sponsored post after 1 year.  Having lots of good quality traffic is great.  However, even with a small targeted audience, engagement can be favorable.

3. You will invest

If you’re writing just to share what you ate for breakfast or what books and movies you watched, it’s personal.  On the other hand, If you’re planning to make it a side-hustle or more, then you’ll want to use advanced tools.  Many things can be achieved for free and get started.

4. It feels lonely

Being a solopreneur and working in your home office is convenient.  No need to commute, and arrange your agenda as you desire.  However, you’ll sometimes feel left on your own.

As an ambivert, I enjoy moments of solitude.  Taking a break from isolation is crucial.  Have a life outside of your laptop work as well.

5. Need to network

Get to know others in your niche.  You can even find interesting podcasters and YouTubers.  Team up and see the benefits.  Join Facebook groups and meet at events if possible.

I do more online networking than physical.  From the start of my activities, I found many supporters through the WordPress Reader.  If you’re wondering about my platform, take a look at it.


6. Don’t copy others

While it’s natural to look around at other content to get inspired, don’t copy.  It replaces your authenticity.  If you have to come on video especially, it will show.  Stay away from such short-term results.

Let your true self shine.  Your readers and viewers will sense and appreciate it.  Remember that you want to attract the right type of leads for your products, so be natural.

7. People steal content

It can happen someday that someone will plagiarize your content.  It’s time-consuming to handle.  Taking legal action is possible, but also costly.  You may contact the blog or site and even their service provider to get it removed. 

8. Run out of ideas

When you’ve just started, it could seem easy to find relevant topics.  However, after a while, finding content ideas could be difficult.  Always choose a niche that you’ve got tons of experience and can talk about for hours. 

I gain many interesting options through research and spending time in nature.  Using a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tool, I do keyword research and also find suggested content ideas.  I even find inspiration when I walk in my garden.

9. Get out there

You may have to leave home to make a presentation somewhere, someday.  Hosting webinars is not all.  You could be invited to speak at events if you’re seen as an expert.

10. Get on video

Even when you write, you’ll need to shoot videos sooner or later.  People find it easier to watch and learn.  It can include audio, graphics, and text, making it easier to assimilate, and remember.

I love taking photos of my garden.  If you’ve been on my Instagram, you’ll know about it.  I also create idea pins, using flowers, and greenery.

11. Update skills 

You’ll never remain stagnant.  Always keeping up with the latest trends, growing your knowledge, and putting it to practice is a must.  Remain informed about current best practices in SEO, social media, and much more.

12. It’s not about you

Write for your readers.  Speak on videos to your followers.  They’re interested in what they’ll gain.

It’s natural to share your experience and personality.  People come to your platforms to know about the topic and see how you achieve things.  They can visit Wikipedia, but also follow you for your personal touch and know-how.

13. Niching down

To sell products, you need to get the right type of leads.  Niching down is often better.  For example, you may choose to create content on lifestyle.  

Would you go for fashion or something else?  If it’s fashion, then for whom?  What demographics?  Location, gender, age, and style are some things to consider. 

14. Be patient

Linking back to the first point in my article, it does take time.  Be patient, consistent, and enjoy the journey.  Work smart for better productivity, and remember to take regular breaks and recharge.

15. Enjoy self-improvement

Learn from failure and grow personally.  Make some mistakes and improve for the better.  It’s better to fail early, know what to avoid, and quickly bounce back. 


Join today and get 25 USD off with my link!  Take a look at the features and start your site. If you’re already experienced, what other harsh truths as a new blogger did you find?

20 thoughts on “15 harsh truths to learn as a new blogger

  1. I dealt with #7. And you’re right! It can be costly. I wrote a blog and someone copied and pasted it onto their website and said they wrote the article. I was being paid for the blog so I did ’t want someone to think I copied from them, so I threatened a lawsuit. They eventually deleted the post without any lawyers getting involved.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Re your point 7: I once had a site plagiarise a whole series of articles off my blog. I reported him to Google for three of them, as an example and they made him remove them. He didn’t take the hint so I reported and had another two taken down. Finally, I reported the rest, and only then did I get my stuff fully protected. Needless to say, he lied flagrantly about why his site had suddenly had every article stripped from it, and implied that if ‘his’ readers found the material again on my site, I was the one who had stolen from him. They would also have found the details of what really happened too. So, if you get ripped off, report them to Google: they’ll take care of it and they acted promptly too.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you Sharvina. I’m just starting with my blog and to be honest, I’m not sure what I hope to achieve come a year’s time. It feels like the path I should be on though. You’ve gained a fan today.


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