Are you keen on finding attraction marketing tips?  It’s a great way for lead generation, and even making sales.  Read to see how bloggers benefit, and so can anyone else.

How does attraction marketing work?

1. Attraction marketing tips

Adopt an approach for selling your products, that’s not salesy.  Don’t you find an aggressive attitude repelling?  Show your readers how your product or service benefits.

Using a soft approach is often preferred.  Those days are gone when hard selling was the only option.  Instead, educate and nurture leads so that they want to buy from you.

I don’t have a product of my own yet.  However, I’ve seen the results of providing helpful content.  I’ve worked with brands, getting paid as an affiliate and also some sponsorships.  


2. Inbound marketing informs

You attract leads by helping them out.  They have a problem to solve.  Know thoroughly about it, and offer the right solution.

Share testimonials from your happy clients, video product unboxing, and blogger reviews.  Show how you use the products.  It’s more genuine and builds trust.

Attraction marketing examples are endless.  The list of ideas could go on.  However, pin down your best options, based on your audience and available resources.

3. Find helpful research stats 

Orbit Media published some interesting key blogging stats.

‘About half of all bloggers publish weekly or several times per month.’ 

‘The bloggers who publish the most are most likely to report “strong results.”’ 

I publish one new article every week.  I also update older ones every month.  Although it’s not a lot, I prefer doing so for consistency.  I also aim at writing over one thousand words per article.

If you’d like to find out more about blogging frequency, take a look at another article. I shared how often bloggers could post. It includes both, my experience and reliable research data.

4. Encourage returning visitors

As a blogger, you’re likely to value returning visitors.  You’d also want new visitors to find your website.  You work hard, and smart by creating content.  Ensure that your work continues to get readers for a long time.

Social media posts tend to be short-lived.  In comparison, articles can have a longer lifespan.  Updating them for freshness is crucial.  Drive organic traffic to your existing posts.

Once a reader visits your blog, they might never remember the URL to revisit it.  Ensure that you’re making it easy for them to find your content again.  Use opt-ins to send them helpful tips and offers. 

5. Digital marketing is great

As a blogger, your online business can reach a wide pool of readers.  Simultaneously, the barriers to entry are low.  Therefore, blogging tends to be competitive.

Learning the tactics for better digital marketing is key.  It’s not an option when you’re a creator.  If you’d like to know more about boosting your skills in this area, read my other article on learning digital marketing

My business degree has given me a lot.  University studies, generally, equip students for the corporate world.  However, I’ve seen the benefits of using learned skills even when working on my terms.

6. Build a powerful brand identity

Your personal branding plays an important role.  It’s the way you show up, and how your readers recognize you.  More than your logo and color palette, you’re known for your voice, among other things.

I chose blue as my color.  It’s a cool color.  It also represents trust.  Being my favorite color, it’s suitable for my site.

When I first started, I was using a lighter shade of blue.  However, I realized that it needs a better contrast.  I’ve now made relevant changes that will help my blog stand out online.


7. Storytelling is naturally interesting

Use personal success stories, from real life.  The authenticity shows.  On the other hand, anything that’s artificial and fluffy could have a counter-effect.

Genuineness is key.  Through text, sincerity shows.  When on camera, it’s even more noticeable.

Use stories to build a better connection. Be it in personal or professional life, it conveys messages. Read my post to find out how storytelling can support you.

8. Favor facts and emotions

As in a good story, use facts and emotions.  Facts show the logical reasons why readers should believe.  Emotions put you in your readers’ shoes or vice versa.  They see why they should care.

Use statistics that prove your point.  Quantitative data can support your message.  Use research conducted by trustworthy sources, if you don’t have your findings.

Emotions in the form of anecdotes are moving.  They could be more powerful than numbers.  Relate to the hearts and minds of your readers. 

9. Talk to your ideal personas

You may have a few different types of readers or clients.  When you write or speak on camera, have a specific person in mind.  Talk to them.

For example, on Tips from Sharvi, I share tips for bloggers and solopreneurs.  A persona, in my case, will be specific to one type of them.  For example, a solopreneur coach who works from home.  This persona will have more specific info, including demographics, interests, and more.

Knowing who you’re speaking to is crucial.  If you’re solving one problem that a type of reader has, show specifically why they should care.

For example, if I share how bloggers write content, a vlogger might not feel concerned.  On the other hand, when I talk about recording videos, vloggers see that it’s for them.  A coach might be interested in both blogging tips, as well as making videos.

10. Find the best marketing funnel 

A marketing funnel is a simple example of how you acquire a lead.  You then provide helpful tips.  When they stay in the loop, you can move them to the next stage.  When you’ve guided them enough, they trust you and could eventually buy.

The content marketing funnel, for example, has four stages.  There may be different versions of the model, however, the idea is the same.  The four stages are awareness, evaluation, conversion, and retention.

Funnel and AIDA. Text: Marketing funnel and AIDA model,
Funnel and AIDA

11. AIDA model example

The funnel also follows the AIDA model.  AIDA is the acronym for awareness, interest, desire, and action.

Through your informative and educational content, you can acquire new leads.  When they opt-in to receive more relevant content, you send them consistently.  Those who find value, come back.  They stay, and could potentially make a purchase.

12. Personal success stories

Show case studies on your site.  Personal success stories inspire.  Others can relate to them if they share the same values or needs.

Real stories are relatable.  People like to see what others have been through and the results.  When they see someone like them benefiting from your offers, they’re more likely to trust your offers.

13. Use SEO best practices 

Search Engine Optimization is known for long-term results.  Even though Google is often changing its algorithms, SEO has stood the test of time.  With AI, there’s much uncertainty.  However, I still benefit from organic search visits.

Taking an omnichannel approach is crucial.  You never know when one platform stops performing well.  For bloggers, that could mean using different channels, such as websites, social media, emails, and more.

14. Leverage social media usage

There are many social media platforms.  The ones I use are Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.  Pinterest is more of a search engine, but often counted as social.  I haven’t yet adopted Threads, which is a part of Meta.

Social media is free to get started with.  You may choose to pay for ads.  I don’t boost my posts for blogging.  I have, however, used paid campaigns for other types of solopreneur businesses that I run.

15. An email list savior

In contrast to social media, you own your email list.  It’s a more reliable means to reach your subscribers versus social media followers.  With email, you have better control.

Imagine spending months creating a new online course.  When you launch, you post on social media and realize your reach is low.  On the other hand, your emails are more likely to land in your subscribers’ inboxes.

If you’d like to find out more about using email effectively, read my other article.  I highlight the benefits for solopreneurs.  See why you shouldn’t miss out on building an email list.

16. Use the right CTAs

Calls to action prompt action.  Know when and where to use them for better results.  Without them, you’ll miss out on opportunities.

Even with inbound marketing, you need to remind your readers to take action.  Don’t hesitate to inform them about your new launch.  When you’re helpful, your leads benefit from your offers.  

Ask leads to shop, when relevant.  Tell them to visit your blog for more.  Prompt them to watch your new video.  Ask them to perform any action needed, after genuinely nurturing them.


17. Network with other creators

Get to know others in your niche.  Find those who offer complementary products or services.  Collaborate for better results.

I spend most of my time in my home office.  It’s, therefore, more convenient for me to network online.  Meeting at physical venues can be time-consuming.  However, face-to-face meetings tend to build better connections.

18. Guest blogging and webinars

If you’re collaborating with other creators, you might host events together.  This is a helpful way to mutually share your audience.  It’s a win-win situation for all.

It might be worthwhile to check that collaborators don’t create competing products.  You could introduce your readers to those with complementary products.  Better to be careful and consider who you collaborate with, avoiding any unpleasant future surprises.

19. Use analytics for results

Use tools to track your site analytics.  I use GA4, as well as Jetpack.  Both give me valuable insights.

Stats can tell you many things that you don’t see.  They could also be inaccurate sometimes.  However, thoughtfully make decisions.

20. Your monetization options

There are many ways to monetize your platforms.  The five most common tend to be ads, affiliate marketing, sponsorships, and selling products or services.  I currently do the first three of them.

Benefit from the attraction marketing technique when monetizing.  Solopreneurs generally work alone.  Taking a step back and carefully planning pays off.

Plan your content strategy

Have relevant strategies.  Your content creation, business, and other types of goals, all benefit.  Use an attraction marketing strategy as well.

Boost your attraction marketing skills.  When you’re keen on nurturing your readers, you genuinely help them.  When you tell them about your product, it’s a solution to their problem.


Being a blogger, or another type of business owner, content creation is inevitable.  You need to educate and nurture leads genuinely.  Make the most of these attraction marketing tips for the better.

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