25 slow morning ideas that will brighten up your day!  The benefits are many.  There are also various ways to adopt it for better productivity.

Do you sometimes wake up to a chaotic day?  Such a start can impact your whole day ahead.  Instead, think of a peaceful beginning, doing the things you value.  

What is a slow morning?

A slow living lifestyle is your ally in many circumstances.  With that, comes the concept of enjoying slow mornings.  Have some me-time for yourself, as you need it daily.

The hustle and bustle happens all the time.  To keep up with things, you need to relax.  Burnout can happen unless you take the right actions at the right time.

Blogger and solopreneur working from my home office, I set my agenda.  Taking breaks during my workday is essential.  Even my mornings include special moments for better productivity.


Slow morning ideas

Many activities contribute to your self-care.  Who wants to wake up to chaos?  The way you start the day can affect how you see it later as well.  

Some brilliant things you can adopt as morning habits.  I practice most of them if not all.  My list is non-exhaustive but gives an idea.

How to have a slow morning:

  1. Meditate
  2. Yoga
  3. Breathing exercises
  4. Laughter therapy
  5. Journaling
  6. Goal-setting
  7. Affirmations
  8. Gratitude
  9. Reading
  10. Writing
  11. Calm music
  12. Breakfast menu
  13. Phone a close one
  14. Online learning
  15. Podcast
  16. Read blogs
  17. Morning walk
  18. Jogging
  19. Fitness exercise
  20. No screen time
  21. Time with pet
  22. Practice hobby
  23. Clean your workspace
  24. Finish chores
  25. Just sit and reflect

Choose any activities that you prefer.  Prioritize, based on your goals.  For example, exercise to stay in shape.  Complete a part of your online course, to develop a new chosen skill.  


Purposefulness behind activities 

Meditation is one of my favorites.  It helps to get in a serene focus.  This sunrise habit sets the tone for the rest of the day.

There’s not a day that goes without reading.  I do so for various reasons, including for self-improvement, entertainment, or fiction.  I even check my emails, go through blog comments, and do more tasks.

Yoga is also a crucial one on my list.  It complements meditation and does much more.  Each body posture has its specific benefits.  The breathing exercises also have their own gains.

Purple stairs arrow. Text: gradual. tipsfromsharvi.com.
Purple stairs arrow.

I aim for no screen time before breakfast.  It helps enjoy the calmness.  However, on some days, I know I have to check earlier.  Blogging is international, with so many different time zones. 

Laughter therapy is one that I’ve tried.  Although it helps a burst of giggles, I normally don’t practice daily.  That’s one habit that I might have to work on more.

I used to journal in the mornings before.  However, I prefer doing so later before bedtime.  I also tend to find a weekly journal more helpful nowadays.   Since I started tracking my goals’ progression, this habit has supported me immensely.  You may prefer daily instead.

Affirmations and gratitude are closely linked.  You can have affirmations about anything that you choose to.  However, your affirmations can also support expressing gratitude.  You can also keep a gratitude journal.

Reasons for the habits

Slow morning benefits are powerful.  Taking your time could mean that a slow morning is a luxury.  However, I feel that it should be for everyone.   

I remember when I used to be in corporate jobs, I always had to rush.  However, working on my terms for a decade (time of writing), I relax more.

I had to gobble up breakfast, just to leave home on time.  Needless to say, I didn’t do enough meditation or exercise.  It used to be chaotic instead of a blissful early moment of the day.

Self-care benefits your productivity 

For anyone (blogger content creators or not), rest is a must.  The break of dawn is a special time.  Taking things at your pace can make a difference.

Here’s how it impacts positively:

  • Creativity
  • Inspiration
  • Focus
  • Plan
  • Organize
  • Vitality 
  • Motivation
  • Life management
  • Avoid burnout

Use the sunrise hours to focus on yourself.  You can then let the serenity flow onto the rest of your day.  When your first hour is enjoyable, don’t you often feel your best?

These benefits are general, as well as for bloggers and other content creators.  A vlogger-specific benefit could be a boost in self-confidence.  When on camera, composure is needed.  Your body language and genuineness show.


Challenges can come

A slow morning trend is often welcomed.  However, there are barriers as well.  Certain things get in the way.

More challenges could emerge.  For example, you plan to exercise but don’t feel like it.  Make it easier by keeping your shoes accessible.

Yoga can suddenly seem time-consuming.  Keep your mat nearby, so that you grab it in a few seconds.  Anything else that might look difficult, make it convenient proactively.


Make the most of these slow morning ideas.  Choose activities that bring out the best in you.  Incorporate them into your morning routine.  Start the day right for better productivity.

8 thoughts on “25 slow morning ideas for productive days

  1. Great suggestions on your post Sharvi. This is something that I have to admit that I would have some trouble on since I’m the type that is constantly hustling and bustling. I will look into trying to incorporate some of the tips into my routine.

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