Find 2-minute rule examples to boost productivity levels.  If you tend to delay small tasks, read on.  Find ways to make the most of slaying your goals now.

On my self-improvement blog, working smarter is all over.  I value it and share it with my readers.  I’m always in search of better processes and came across the topic.

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Life can get in the way, any day, and at any time.  What I plan to finish can get jeopardized.  When I heard of the concept, I lent a better ear to find out more.

In my post, I’ll introduce the idea.  I’ll then give examples of how it helps.  The illustrations will be first, for everyone, and then for bloggers specifically.

What is the 2-minute rule?  

Accomplish your small tasks quickly.  How splendid it sounds!  What if you could do everything right away?  In reality, you can’t, so, focus on certain things that you can finish in a jiffy.

Getting Things Done, is a concept by David Allen.  It’s a system to support better productivity.  It’s closely linked to my article topic.

Here are 2 extracts that I found on

‘Immediately completed and checked off if it can be completed in under two minutes.’

‘Getting Things Done (GTD) is a personal productivity system developed by David Allen and published in a book of the same name.[1] GTD is described as a time management system.[2] Allen states “there is an inverse relationship between things on your mind and those things getting done”. 

You can’t spread yourself too thin by accomplishing 100 tasks at once.  Some things take more time.  Fortunately, many require only 2 minutes or so.  Adopt the habit of tackling them right away.

Crossing items off my to-do list looks appealing to me.  It’s comforting and shows me that I’m on track.  My daily time calendar guides me, and every small milestone is worthwhile.

How to practice it

It’s a simple idea.  I’ll highlight how to practice it through examples.  I’ll give general ways for everyone, and then move to bloggers. 

2-minute rule examples:

  1. Drink a glass of water now
  2. Close your eyes and meditate anytime
  3. Place your shoes for the next morning’s walk 
  4. Quickly stretch and do in-place jogging
  5. Add healthy items to your grocery shopping list
  6. Make your bed after waking up
  7. Scraping the dishes after dinner
  8. Fold clothes after ironing
  9. Take out the trash
  10. Phone a close one to see if they’re ok
  11. Approve blog comments
  12. Reply to emails and comments
  13. Find a quotation for your next article
  14. Engage with fellow blogger and vlogger posts
  15. Draft images in a graphic tool
  16. Brainstorm and add topic ideas to a list
  17. Shortlist good headlines for your next article
  18. Checking Instagram DMs
  19. Schedule social media posts
  20. Use tools to quickly achieve tasks 

Quit postponing small actions needlessly

There are many things you can finish on the spot.  If you defer them, they’ll pile up.  Finally, there’ll be a long list of delays.  Stay away from procrastination.

(Self-care habits for everyone)

Drink a glass of water now

You might think you’ll do so in a while.  You can end up getting dehydrated and tired.  Get up and take a glass. 

Close your eyes and meditate anytime

It can be hard to find time alone.  Just squeeze a moment to relax wherever you are.  In the metro, the shower, or somewhere else.  

Place your shoes for the next morning’s walk 

Exercising can feel like a mountain to climb.  Make it simpler the night before.  Prepare your jogging shoes in advance.  That way, half the battle is won.

Quickly stretch and do in-place jogging

I enjoy this a lot and have seen progress.  Instead of leaving home, I prefer to get active right at home.  It saves time, and I have no excuse to avoid it.

Add healthy items to your grocery shopping list

Jot down what you need.  I take a quick peek into the fridge and kitchen cabinets.  Then I note what’s missing.

Round clock. Text: instant,
Round clock

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(Housekeeping chores for anyone)

Alongside self-care, anyone could need to do some cleaning.  Even though I don’t do all the chores myself, I do some.  Think of what you do as part of your daily routine.

Make your bed after waking up

It takes a jiffy and is a good start in the morning.  Making your bed is known to be a helpful habit.  Don’t postpone it for later, as it can set the tone for a productive day.

Scraping the dishes after dinner

Why leave the dishes by the sink all night?  It looks and smells bad.  Scrape food, and run water over them.  Place them in the dishwasher for later washing, if need be.

Fold clothes after ironing

After ironing, go the extra mile.  Fold clothes right here, right now.  I’ve seen hard work go to waste when my dress got crumpled right after ironing it.

Take out the trash

Tie up the bin bag.  Take it out.  Put it away, that’s easy.

Phone a close one to see if they’re ok

Family and friends tend to be important people.  It’s a must to follow up.  When busy, make a short phone call to ask how their day went.

(Bloggers and digital solopreneurs take action)

After an overview of daily life, I move to more specifically bloggers.  The 2-minute rule for procrastination supports all.  Just adapt it to your circumstances.

I’ll list some handy ideas.  They’re ways you could adopt habits.  I’ll focus on actions that support me as a blogger.

Approve blog comments

It shows professionalism to respond to comments quickly.  Your readers have taken the time to share their thoughts.  Try to be as responsive as possible, and reply.

Reply to emails and comments

Not all emails are a priority.  Some are even spam.  However, reply to those that are relevant.  

I only check my emails a few times a day.  Whenever I can respond immediately, I do.  Some might need fact-checking first.

Find a quotation for your next article

I don’t use quotes in all my posts.  However, I do add them when they provide value.  Looking for a relevant one is not hours of work.

Engage with other posts

Schedule time daily to engage with your peers.  Bloggers network and support each other.  Leave meaningful comments.

Draft images in a graphic tool

I use my phone and some images can take a minute.  That’s because I prefer templates.  They’re convenient and save time.

Brainstorm and add topic ideas to a list

Writer’s block can happen.  You run out of ideas.  Add interesting options to a list from time to time.

Shortlist good headlines for your next article

Headlines are decisive.  They affect open rates.  When you have already made a list, pick the best options quickly.

Checking Instagram DMs

Depending on the number of DMs you receive, it can take a little to a lot of time.  However, at a glance, do your best to reply to a few at least. 

Schedule social media posts

It’s effortless to schedule your posts with most apps.  I post most often on X, as I do so daily (time of writing).  With my phone it’s convenient.

Use tools to quickly achieve tasks 

Automation helps in lots of ways.  There’s an app for virtually everything.  Use them to your advantage and achieve small milestones.

2-minute rule productivity

The 2-minute rule of time management is valuable.  Use it when you can.  It will support you in achieving more.

Be on time to complete projects.  Look professional.  Don’t let your to-dos pile up unnecessarily.


Through 2-minute rule examples, find habits that you need.  Finish what you can right away.  Don’t delay your tasks for better success.

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