Do you take time for gratefulness? Are you too busy for it? Daily gratitude has many benefits that you shouldn’t miss out on. Read my blog post to see why you need it and how it helps…

Gratitude: ‘The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness’ – Lexico Dictionary

As a self-improvement blogger, I dedicate this article to gratitude for the better.

Here’s a list of 10 reasons you should embrace gratitude for the better:

1. Thankfulness

Gratitude reminds you of the simple joys of life. Your child’s smile, your morning tea or coffee, reading a book… You become aware of existing blessings. Be thankful for all the subtle treasures that you already possess!


2. Kindness

Being kind towards others and also receiving kindness can make your day pleasant (and someone else’s). Think of the last time someone was helpful towards you while driving on the road. Didn’t it make you feel nice? Didn’t you then, feel even more motivated to be courteous towards others in return?

3. Happiness

Happiness comes from within. While you can’t control your life to 100 %, you can, fortunately, choose contentment! Much of it depends on you. Start by being grateful for what you already have and normally overlook, or even ignore. You’re way better off than what you tend to think!

4. Self-love

Self-care is primordial! If you don’t take good care of yourself, you’ll sooner or later regret it. Gratitude is a vital part of self-love! When you admire your life, you gain better self-respect and self-confidence.

5. Mindfulness

When you’re being thankful, you’re taking the time to live in the moment. Be present and enjoy every minute. Mindfulness has diverse benefits. Gratitude goes hand-in-hand with it!

Folded hands. Text: 10 reasons to embrace gratitude joyfully!
Folded hands

6. Maturity

Being grateful is a sign of maturity. When I was younger, I didn’t always see things the same way I do now. When you think maturely, you understand better the things that matter most to you in life!

7. Relationships

Taking the time to listen to close ones reinforces your relationships. Do put your phone away, have no screen time, and listen to the ones right next to you. Tell about your day and let others speak as well.

8. Collaboration

Gratitude helps you to progress professionally. For example, when you help and support each other at work, things get better for the whole team. Truly strong people acknowledge it, and don’t feel threatened to show understanding, collaborate and network for success!


9. Reach goals

Use gratitude to achieve your set goals. How? Well, acknowledge your small wins, celebrate each milestone you reach… Don’t let failures discourage you, rather learn from them and persevere. You’ll succeed in what you undertake!

10. Natural habit

I journal daily and make it a point to identify 1 to 3 things that I’m grateful for during the day. This helps me immensely and keeps me motivated, day after day. Keep a gratitude journal and work on it yourself. Make it a natural habit and keep smiling!


Gratitude is your ally! Be grateful, appreciate even the smallest things that you already have. When you first feel great about yourself, you can then achieve even more in life! Do you have any tips? Please comment below. If you know anyone who could benefit from my blog post, please share it. Thank you!!

Editor’s Note: This blog article has been updated for better accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Hand shake. Text: 10 reasons to embrace gratitude joyfully!
Hand shake

18 thoughts on “10 reasons to embrace gratitude joyfully!

  1. Such a great post! I think it’s always a good practice to be grateful everyday than focus on what we don’t have. It does help someone’s mental health to look at the brighter side. I know it’s easier said than done but that’s the only way for you to be happy and content

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