Find counter-productive habits to stop at all costs.  Everyone can sometimes experience such things.  They get in the way of your goals and potentially, even your success.

On my self-improvement blog, working smarter is crucial.  In this article, I’ll share things that you might choose to avoid.  15 examples will be for life in general.  The other 15 will be in the blogging context. 

I’ve seen the benefits of adopting better practices, as I work on my terms solo.  Getting more done in less time makes a huge difference.  Through my blog, my readers can find helpful patterns.


This post focuses on what could be best averted.  If you instead want inspiration on what to adopt, read my other one.  Find 24 golden rituals that you might want to embrace (instead of avoid).

How habits impact productivity levels

The daily things that you do, add up to achievements.  If you do the right things, chances are you’ll progress faster.  On the other hand, focusing on irrelevant actions is a waste.

Wasted hours, make days.  Days make weeks.  Weeks, make months.  Finally, a year goes by, and you could miss out on your precious goals!

Take proactive steps by ensuring you adopt best practices.  Be it in personal or professional life.  Be mindful, save yourself time and other resources.

Some approaches give better results than others.  It’s the same with the rituals you choose.  They contribute to how well you take the right actions toward reaching your set goals.

Examples of habits to break

For example, a morning routine makes your day.  You incorporate meditation for a good reason.  On the other hand, there are time-wasters that you might want to get rid of.

Some approaches can develop over time.  If they’re counter-productive, locate them.  Take action to eliminate them on time.

Examples in life generally:

  1. Being OK with procrastination
  2. Setting the wrong goals for yourself
  3. Being obsessed with perfection
  4. Not having any boundaries
  5. Not taking regular breaks
  6. Working in a disorganized space
  7. Multitasking delays your results
  8. Having bad sleep instead of replenishment
  9. Neglecting exercise and meditation
  10. Not having a good nutritious diet
  11. Having conflicting goals
  12. Distractions happen all the time
  13. Making excuses to feel comfortable
  14. Not persevering hard enough
  15. Accepting time-wasters

Procrastination is like an enemy in life.  It makes you feel comfortable while delaying actions.  You miss out on your goals.

Perfection is fantastic.  However, humans aren’t.  If you wait for it, you’ll stay behind.

Saying no is normal.  You can’t do everything.  Multitasking can someday lead to burnout.

Proper sleep, exercise, and healthy eating are essential.  Don’t neglect self-care.

Focus on your priorities instead of being distracted.  Avoid conflicting goals and time-wasters.

Get outside of your comfort zone when relevant.  Persevere when things seem hard instead of giving up too early.

Time clock design. Text: swift,
Time clock design

Better blogging patterns

As with general life, any specific activity has certain needs.  Your blog may currently be your hobby, side hustle, or profession.  Choose best practices, and avoid unwanted ones.

15 examples for content creation:

  1. Not using templates to speed up tasks
  2. Avoiding keyword research tasks
  3. Not posting consistently
  4. Forgetting to add internal links
  5. Not doing content backups
  6. Not making good use of checklists
  7. Neglecting to interact with others
  8. Not adding images or videos
  9. Excluding better readability 
  10. Not checking stats for feedback on what works
  11. Never repurposing and resharing older content 
  12. Omitting to automate certain tasks 
  13. Blogging without a strategy
  14. Not honing your skills for self-improvement
  15. Ignoring relevant feedback

Templates are easy and quick to personalize.  Without them, you always start from scratch.  Whenever possible, work smart.

It might feel comfortable posting when you want.  It’s reasonable for hobbyists.  However, if you want to be taken seriously, show consistency at your own pace.  I publish 1 new article a week.

Checklists are another handy tool.  They quickly guide you toward relevant tasks.  Complete all, without leaving out anything crucial.

Practices such as internal linking and adding good images are a must.  Break down large chunks of text for a better experience.  For example, subheadings and bullet points make posts easier to read.

Reshare your published articles.  Take the time to update them, as well.  It saves time and reaches new viewers on social media and your email list.

Automate tasks that you can.  These are often repetitive ones.  I enjoy myself after scheduling my posts for publishing.

Have a blogging strategy.  Use it as a guide to refer back to at any time.  Gather feedback from those relevant to your niche.

Challenges to overcome fervently

Are habits hard to break?  They can be, however, with determination, you can.  It feels hard, but taking small steps helps.

Life gets in the way at times, and it distracts.  If you give up, you lose out.  On the other hand, willpower supports you.

Gradual progress is progress.  It’s not a competition, but rather a journey.  Small milestones join to form great realizations.


What to do:

  • Gradual progress is better than being stagnant
  • Use better time management 
  • Set goals mindfully
  • Pin down unproductive rituals 
  • Leverage habit formation
  • Say no to unwanted ways
  • Develop better productivity
  • Habit stacking (read it, with blogger examples)
  • Monitor your progress often
  • Take steps to stay motivated
  • Habit loops (have a cue, a routine, and a reward)
  • Spoil yourself at times (especially after hard work)
  • Always review and find ways to improve

Use my 30 examples for inspiration.  Adjust to your circumstances, adding more that may apply.  Make a relevant list of habits to break, based on your needs.

Time management skills are great.  Productivity is one key topic on my blog.  When I operate in my home office, I need to keep an eye on everything.  

Whenever you reach small milestones, reward yourself.  My favorite cake is a special treat to myself.  Find what makes your day, and make yourself happy.

I support that ongoing self-improvement is the order of the day.  Learning is lifelong for good reasons.  That’s fortunate, as seen this way, life can never get boring.


Practices are important.  They can determine your success to a great extent.  Adopt rituals that support your goals.

Find habits to stop that are detrimental to progress.  Adopt a lifestyle, conducive to better productivity.  Meet your goals for the better.

Are you in search of rituals for working smarter?  

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Productivity checklist

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